Benoit Gentil

Dr. Benoit Gentil


Assistant Professor of Kinesiology and Physical Education at McGill University

Associate Member of Neurology and Neurosurgery at McGill University

NMD4C Involvement: Pillar 1: Preclinical Science

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Research Interests: Motor development, neurological disorders, genetic and epigenetics, Inherited Peripheral Neuropathies, CMT disease, ARSACS

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Dr. Benoit J Gentil is a Professor at McGill University, specializing in the field of neuromuscular disorders, In particular Charcot-Marie-Tooth disorder and Autosomal Recessive Ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay. With over two decades of experience in understanding the pathogenesis of these disease, he has gained a wealth of knowledge and experience that he uses to change lives through his research and teaching. 

Dr. Gentil holds a Ph.D of Molecular and Cell Biology from Grenoble University (France), and a Diplome d’Etude Approfondies in Human nutrition and Pathology from Diderot Université (Paris, France). Dr. Gentil is also actively involved in Muscular Dystrophy Canada, as a member of the Medical and Scientific Advisory Board, and in the Peripheral Nerve Society or Genome Quebec Network. His research focuses on the development of therapeutic approaches targeting the molecular mechanism of diseases. His work has helped to shed light on the underlying mechanisms of Peripheral Neuropathies as well as to contribute to the understanding of genetic factors affecting postnatal development. 

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