The Rare Diseases Models and Mechanisms (RDMM) Network is a national network in rare disease genes and model systems research, which has funded research on model organisms since 2014 and has recently expanded the scope of model systems to include the use of human cells including primary patient-derived cells, cell lines derived from iPSCs, and organoids.
Together the Canada’s Stem Cell Network (SCN) and the RDMM Network are collaborating to provide funding that will identify and support connections between clinician scientists discovering new genes in patients with rare diseases, and stem cell scientists who can analyze these genes and related pathways in human cell models.
RDMM Catalyst Grant Awards
To be considered for an RDMM Catalyst Grant Award, you must first register and document your expertise in the RDMM registry so new disease genes can be matched to your laboratory. The registration process is not time-consuming, and you can visit the RDMM website for more details.
Even if you are not specifically working on rare genetic diseases, The genes and pathways and mechanisms that lie within your expertise might correspond to a rare disease associated gene and so might be eligible to an RDMM grant.
Registered researchers who match a newly discovered rare disease gene will be invited by RDMM to apply for a $30,000 RDMM Catalyst Grant. An application that uses stem cells/organoids/patient-derived cells will also be considered for a $20,000 supplement award from SCN, for a total award of $50,000.
Please consider helping to distribute this opportunity by sharing this opportunity with colleagues, collaborators, and other members of the human cell model community.
Useful Links:
RDMM registry:
RDMM website: