Patricia Mortenson

Expert Patient Capacity Building Team Project Coordinator
Expert Patient Capacity Building Team Project Coordinator
Clinical Associate Professor with the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at UBC
NMD4C Involvement: Expert Patient Capacity Building
Email PatriciaBiography
Patricia is an Occupational Therapist at BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver, where she has worked in the Neuromuscular Clinic, among other clinical areas, for many years.
Patricia trained in occupational therapy at the University of British Columbia and completed a research based MSc degree in Rehabilitation Sciences in 2003 from UBC. She recently began PhD studies at UBC and will focus her doctoral research on rehabilitation for children with neuromuscular conditions. Patricia is particularly interested in how to best enable children with neuromuscular conditions and their families to engage fully in home and community activities.
In addition to clinical work, Patricia is a Clinical Associate Professor with the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at UBC and instructs in the Rehabilitation Sciences Online Program.
In the NMD4C Network, Patricia is involved as Project Coordinator for the Expert Patient Capacity Building Team and will be developing training modules and resources for both patients and researchers to support patient oriented neuromuscular research in Canada.
Recent Publications
Mortenson, P, Sadashiva, N, Tamber, MS, Steinbok, P. Long-term upper extremity performance in children with cerebral palsy following selective dorsal rhizotomy. Childs Nerv Syst. 2021.37 (6)1983-1989 PMID:33386960
Khormi, Y, Chiu, M, Goodluck Tyndall, R, Mortenson, P, Smith, D, Steinbok, P et al.. Safety and efficacy of independent allied healthcare professionals in the assessment and management of plagiocephaly patients. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020.36 (2)373-377 PMID:31728704
Mortenson, P, Singhal, A, Hengel, AR, Purtzki, J. Impact of Early Follow-Up Intervention on Parent-Reported Postconcussion Pediatric Symptoms: A Feasibility Study. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2016.31 (6)E23-E32 PMID:27022958
Aubin, T & Mortenson, P. Experiences of early transdisciplinary teams in pediatric community rehabilitation. Infants Young Child. 2015. 165-181.
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