Myogenesis Discussion Group Seminar: Caspase Activity Coordinates DNA Damage and Repair to Promote Myogenesis
The Myogenesis Discussion Group host a seminar series on skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle research held virtually on the last Monday of each month.
This month’s presenter:
Dr. Lynn Megeney from the Ottawa Health Research Institute and University of Ottawa
To register for this event:
Contact event organizers Dr Matthew Rok, Dr Bella Xu, or Dr Vanessa Raileanu.
About the Myogenesis Discussion Group:
The goal of this discussion group is to explore models of development, disease, and regeneration in muscle tissues, as well as potential therapeutic approaches. Within this, they aim to discuss novel techniques to quantitatively measure all aspects of myology and the challenges associated with developing representative models for these complex tissues.
Learn more at https://mbd.utoronto.ca/research/discussion-groups/, or Follow the Myogenesis Discussion Group on Twitter @MyogenesisGroup