PxP Virtual Conferene 2024


Sep 10 - 12 2024


All Day



PxP Virtual Conference 2024

The PxP (For Patients, By Patients) 2024 conference, supported by CIHR-IMHA, will take place September 10-12. This free, virtual event aims to bring you resources, mentorship and community with patient partners and others involved in health research with the ultimate goal to make research stronger through partnering.

The event is open to everyone on a research team, but the priority audience is patient partners and other people with lived experience. Registrants who identify as trainees/students are also strongly encouraged to attend!

Full session details will be available soon. Topics will include: 

  • Power balance in patient engagement 
  • Building diversity and capacity in patient partners 
  • How to publish as (or with) patient partners 
  • Interactive ‘ask me anything’ sessions 
  • and much more! 

PxP’s key priority will be patient partners and other people with lived experience. PxP are led entirely By Patients. Every topic and speaker on the PxP conference program has been chosen by their experienced international committee of patient partners.