Solve-RD Public Symposium: The Impact of Solve-RD on Research & Care of Rare Disease Patients
Join Solve-RD at their public symposium to learn about the impact of the Solve-RD project on Research and Care of Rare Disease Patients.
Towards the future of rare disease diagnostics
01:30 AM – 03:15 AM EST | Chair: Ana Rath
Keynote lecture: Towards a personalised systems biomedical approach for the diagnosis of inherited metabolic diseases
Ines Thiele, University of Galway
Keynote Lecture: Hyperpersonalized therapies for the long tail of genetic disease
Timothy Yu, Boston Childrens Hospital & Harvard Medical School
Looking further: Patient organizations and advancing RD research on diagnosis
Gulcin Gumus, Eurordis
Olaf Riess, University of Tübingen
Impact of Solve-RD on research & care of rare disease patients
03:45 AM – 05:30 AM EST | Chair: Han Brunner & Holm Graessner
Key SOLVE-RD achievements
Holm Graessner, University of Tübingen
Genomics reanalysis of a pan-European rare disease resource yields >500 new diagnoses
Alex Hoischen, Radboud UMC & Sergi Beltran, CNAG-CRG
Round Table: The future of rare disease diagnostics in Europe
Simona Bellagambi, Eurordis | Daria Julkowska, INSERM | Christina Kyriakopoulou, European Commission, DG Research & Innovation | Milan Macek, Charles University Prague | Olaf Riess, University of Tübingen | Lisenka Vissers, Radboud UMC | Timothy Yu, Boston Childrens Hospital & Harvard Medical School