Kerri Schellenberg

Principal Applicant
Neuromuscular Neurologist at University of Saskatchewan | Associate Professor at University of Saskatchewan
Medical Director of the ALS/MND clinic and the Royal University Hospital EMG lab | co-chair of the Canadian ALS research network
NMD4C Involvement: Pillar 2: Clinical Research, Theme 2: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigeneity (EDII), Theme 5: Open Science
Email KerriResearch Interests: Neuromuscular, ALS, Spinobulbar Muscular Atrophy (SBMA), Motor Neuron Disease, Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
Google Scholar profileBiography
Dr. Kerri Schellenberg, MD, FRCPC, MMedEd is a Neuromuscular Neurologist and Associate Professor at the University of Saskatchewan. She is the Medical Director of the ALS/MND clinic and the Medical Director of the Royal University Hospital EMG lab. She serves as Competency Committee Chair for the neurology program. Her research primarily focuses on motor neuron diseases (ALS, SBMA, and SMA), and includes publications in clinical aspects of neuromuscular disease. She has served as local PI for international treatment trials in ALS, local PI for the Canadian Neuromuscular Disease registry, contributed to Canadian ALS Best Practice Recommendations, and has ongoing grants and projects with local and national research partners to further understanding of neuromuscular disease.
She completed her medical studies at the University of Saskatchewan, a Neurology residency at the University of Alberta, followed by a Neuromuscular fellowship at Duke University in North Carolina. Dr. Schellenberg was the recipient of the Betty Norman Research Fellowship Award from the ALS Society of Canada to pursue an ALS fellowship at the University of Alberta. She has a Masters of Medical Education from the University of Dundee.