L’exercice en Contexte de Maladies Rares (Practicing Exercise in the Context of Rare Diseases) – Symposium at CSEP2024
The symposium will be in french but the virtual session has an integrated translation in English.
This symposium, hosted by Drs Benoit Gentil and Elise Duchesne as a part of the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) Conference 2024, aims to address the challenges and innovative solutions associated with developing rehabilitation programs for patients with rare diseases and offers a unique opportunity to enhance knowledge and skills in the management of rare diseases through innovative and tailored rehabilitation interventions.
Session Moderators: Drs Benoit Gentil and Elise Duchesne
- Parcours et expérience paralympique d’un athlète inspirant vivant avec un handicap – Philippe Vachon
- Étapes préalables au développement de programmes de réadaptation adaptés en maladies rares – Dr. Elise Duchesne
- Effets positifs multisystémiques de l’entraînement en force en dystrophie myotonique de type 1 – Dr. Laura Girard-Côté
- B-FIT : Un guide pour l’exercice individualisé en dystrophie musculaire oculopharyngée – Dr. Marc-Olivier Dugas
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the steps to take before developing rehabilitation programs for rare diseases.
- Appreciate the positive multisystemic effects of strength training in patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1).
- Apply the principles of the B-FIT guide for individualized exercise programs in oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD).
- Explore the specifics of rehabilitation programs tailored to people with ARSACS.
For full symposium details and registration please visit the CSEP2024 webpage!